EIC Programs
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EIC 13.6 DVD Collection for institutions
EIC 13.6 T-shirt
EIC 13.6 tote bag
EIC v9.72(2014) DVD Collection (institutional use)
EIC 12.3 Institutional DVD Collection
EIC 12.3 DVD Collection
EIC v9.72 (2014) DVD Collection for Personal Use
Experimentos en Cine: Cubano Edition
EIC 12.3 tote bag
EIC 11.4 DVD Collection
Experiments in Cinema 11.4 (2016) tote
Experiments in She-ness: Women & Undependent Cinema
Basement Films Miracle Toast
Tecnologia Muerta t-shirt
Basement Films t-shirt
Un-dependently Yours: Imagining a World Beyond the
EIC v10 (2015) DVD Collection (Institutional Use)
EIC v10 (2015) DVD Collection for Personal Use
Basement Films Stickers
A Celebration of International Cinematic Experimentation