We appreciate your donations to Experiments in Cinema.

Experiments In Cinema Regional Youth Program
Your donations to Experiments In Cinema are an important part of our festival. Each year our festival’s budget increases and although we are a 100% volunteer-run event, the cost to stage EIC never ends!
In addition to our annual international film festival, your uber-generous donations help support EIC programs such as our womens’ focus; our Cuban focus; in 2018, our African focus; our annual artist-in-residence; workshops taught by international artists and scholars; our Regional Youth Program; publishing our annual yearbook and DVD collection, and much more.
Remember, your donations are 100% tax deductible.
Thank you from all of us at Experiments In Cinema!
Rather donate by check or money order?
Please send your donation to:
Experiments in Cinema
PO Box 9229
Albuquerque, NM 87119

Caryn Cline, artist in residence