Each year, Experiments in Cinema brings the international community of cinematic un-dependents to Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA for a film festival that is designed to inspire a new generation of homegrown media activists to participate in shaping future trends of cultural representation.

In many ways EIC likes to think of itself as a micro-community rather than a festival, in that we are proudly and defiantly non-competitive—no pretentious red carpets, arbitrary prizes or VIP passes at our event. Everyone who participates wins!. EIC is about sharing and nurturing, as we truly believe that the community of media un-dependents are modern day traveling troubadours, sharing their news of the day (from personal, un-embedded perspectives) with colleagues and friends from around the world.
Experiments in Cinema serves as a reminder that filmmaking has a responsibility that transcends the pathetically produced popcorn poo-poo that we have come to know as "going to the movies."
EIC believes in the meat-space of our event and that as useful as Youtube, Vimeo and other interfaces are, there is still nothing that replaces the emotional bandwidth (Gene Yougblood’s phrase) of face-to-face interactions amongst like-minded people inventing and imagining through the power of dialogue.
Each year, in addition to presenting a wide range of international screenings, EIC also hosts live multi-media performances, interactive projects, lectures, discussion groups, hands-on workshops and a program of films produced by New Mexican Middle and High School students.
Our annual celebration of all things un-dependently cinematic is produced by Basement Films. Basement Films is one of the few remaining first wave micro-cinemas left in the United States that has been supporting underrepresented forms of media since 1991.