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What is the deadline for applying to the festival?


The submission and payment deadline is November 1, 2022 for your work to be considered for inclusion in EIC v18.4 (2023) festival.

Frequently Asked Questions


What formats does the festival support?


High Resolution digital file, 16mm, Super8, 35mm

Does the festival charge submission fees for international submissions?


There is no fee for international submissions. Please contact us at for a code to waive your submission fees on FilmFreeway.

Do festival alumni pay entry fees for their submissions?


No, artists who have screened their work in our festival never pay entry fees again. Please contact us at for a code to waive your submission fees on FilmFreeway.

If I have multiple submissions are there entry fee discounts?


Yes. Individual entries are $30 each. If an artist submits 3 or more works, the entry fee is reduced to $20 per entry. Please contact us at for a code to discount your submission fees on FilmFreeway.

Are there festival restrictions in terms of when my movie was produced?


No, EIC accepts works produced from any year, century or alternative dimension.

Can I submit an online link for my film/video in my application?


Yes. We no longer accept mailed in applications.

I'd like to have a copy of the films shown at the festival. How can I obtain a copy?

Each year EIC produces a fundraising collection that we sell on our website. If you participate in the fundraising collection (see submission form), you will receive a free copy of the collection. Otherwise, a copy of the festival can be purchased at Shop EIC.

My film is not in English. Is that okay?

We encourage international applications, but if your work is in a language other than English, please provide a translation of the work.


When will I hear back about whether my work will be included in EIC?


You should hear back no later than Feb 15.

If my work is accepted into the festival, will I be provided with travel funds to attend?


Sadly, we don’t have such funds. However, we can offer discount rates for visiting artists at our official festival motel, The Hiway House. Contact for details. We also guarantee that you will meet incredible artists, have deep and meaningful conversations about the state of the art, and more than anything, be inspired!

If my work is accepted into the festival, can I be included in online Zoom artist discussions?



I have an idea for a moving image project. How can I make a proposal to EIC for the project?


if you would like to propose a moving image project that embraces online technologies or structures, please submit a written proposal of 500 words or less to before the Nov 1 deadline for submissions.

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